Title ABC Analysis of Cycle Counting Physical Inventory Purpose This report performs an analysis for selectedmaterial types> for thecycle counting> physicalinventory procedure.Prerequisites Before running the analysis, you must define the allowed cycle countingindicators and specify the breakdown of the materials into theindividual cycle counting categories on a percentage basis inCustomizing for Inventory Management. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'. Define Cycle Counting Indicators> ENDIF. For the current analysis, you can also change the percentages via theChange CC Percentages> indicator directly from the initial screenof the analysis. To set the cycle counting indicator for a material, you need theauthorization to change material master records (authorization objectmaterial master record: plant>, activity 02).Features The analysis considers the consumption or requirement values for thematerials over a certain time period. You can decide whether you wantto analyse:
- Only those materials that have the cycle counting indicator, or
- All materials (i.e. including materials without the cycle counting
indicator During the analysis, it is possible to have the cycle countingindicator updated authomatically in the master records of the selectedmaterials.Selection INCLUDE MMIM_SELEKTION OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Output INCLUDE MMIM_BELEGE_PRO_MATERIAL OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN
- Material number with short text
- The new cycle counting indicator resulting from the analysis
- The old cycle counting indicator
Via Edit -> Double-Line>, you cause the consumption orrequirement values to be additionally displayed for each line. Via Edit -> New Analysis>, you invoke a dialog box in which youcan enter different percentages for the individual cycle countingindicators for a new analysis. Via Goto -> Counting Effort>, you invoke a dialog box in whichyou can check the counting effort per fiscal year.Activities Change cycle counting indicator in material master record> If you wish to change the cycle counting indicator for a material inthe relevant material master record, position the cursor on the desiredmaterial and choose Change CC Indicator>. A dialog box appearsin which you can choose the new indicator. Choose Save> to havethe new cycle counting indicator adopted in the material masterrecord.Example 200 materials are inventoried in the plant using the cycle countingprocedure. The following breakdown has been defined in Customizing for InventoryManagement:
- A materials: 50 %
- B materials: 25 %
- C materials: 15 %
- D materials: 10 %
In the cycle counting analysis, the materials are sorted byconsumption. After the analysis, the cycle counting indicator isassigned as follows:
- The first 3 materials (sorted in ascending order by consumption)
account for 50 % of consumption and are assigned indicator A.
- The next 12 materials account for 25 % of consumption and are assigned
indicator B.
- The next 49 materials account for 15 % of consumption and are assigned
indicator C.
- The remaining 136 materialien account for the last 10 % of the
consumption and are assigned indicator D.