SAP Program RMCB2300 - Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS

This report provides a general analysis of the quantity flow in awarehouse or several warehouses.
Depending upon the selection criteria, the analysis can include thefollowing data:

  • material (or several materials)

  • stock removal storage type (or several storage types)

  • stock removal section (or several stock removal sections)

  • stock placement storage type (or several stock placement types)

  • stock placement section (or several stock placement sections)

  • movement type (or several movement types)

  • storage unit type (or several storage
  • unit types)
    The report covers a time period of one or several months. The systemprovides you with the option of defining an exceptional situation tolimit the output list.
    You can sort the data, display it in graphic form, or send it toanother recipient. You can also display more deteiled information bydouble-clicking the mouse.

491519Standard analyses - Transaction codes and reports