You can use report RMBWV3RE to restore the data of the queues used toextract logistics movement data (see Definitionof Queues>). As a prerequisite, the backup table MCEX_DELTA_BACK that retains alimited amount of queue data must have been configured correctly. Youcan also make the corresponding Customizing settings in report RMBWV3RE(see BACKUP_DAYS> andBACKUP_RUNS>). An additional function of the report is displaying the data in thebackup table. In particular, this can also be used to diagnose errorssince the data in the backup table represents the corresponding statusof the extraction queue data. You can therefore use this report to checkthe logistics movement data before the collective run that transfers thedata to the BW delta queue>. Technical details for the reconstruction and for the backup table:
- The backup table runs parallel to the writing of queue entries. The
corresponding entries should therefore always be identical.
- In accordance with the Customizing settings for BACKUP_RUNS and
BACKUP_DAYS (see above), the data in the backup table is deleted duringeach collective run.
- A reconstruction and a collective run lock each other. This is necessary
to guarantee a serialization of the delta data. If you plan on carryingout a reconstruction, you must temporarily deactivate the collective runvia the function "job control" in LO Data Extraction:Customizing Cockpit>.
- The reconstruction of the data can occur in parallel with productive
operations. This is made possible by adding the data to a new queue withthe suffix "_BACK" while the data accumulating in the meantime iswritten from transaction processing to the normal extraction queue. Example: you add data from the backup table for application 04 to queueMCEX04_BACK. The accumulating movement data from transactions is writtento queue MCEX04.
- The reconstructed data in the "_BACK" queue is automatically recognized
in the next collective run and is constructed before> the data inthe normal extraction queue.
- As a result, the data targets in BW must not contain any newer data
> other than the data that you are reconstructing via report RMBWV3RE.If newer data does exist here, you must delete it before the backup datais extracted to BW. The data sources that do not require serialization are an exception tothis rule. Currently, these consist of the data sources for application03 only.
- In any case, you must also ensure that the data (that is possibly
incomplete or contains errors) already located in BW and that you wantto reconstruct is deleted before the backup data is extracted. Otherwisethe data would be duplicated.
- This tool allows data to be duplicated in BW. You must therefore
check very carefully> that no duplicates are created as a resultof the reconstruction. This is the responsibility of the user.