Description This program is available for reorganizing Table PBVPV. The entries in Table PBVPV appear when created sales order items whosematerials consume a planning material defined in the material masterrecord. This Table records which planning material can be consumed bywhich sales order item. When clearing a sales order, the Table id nottaken into account as usually more sales order items exist with areference to the planning material. However, if during the reorganization of a material master, a materialis deleted that has an entry in Table PBVPV, then this entry cannot bedeleted immediately due to reasons of performance. The followingprogram is available for deleting old PBVPV entries. The program carries out the following steps: It sequentially reads Table PBVPV It checks whether a customer requirement still exists with the materialnumber and the plant from Table PBVPV in the individual customerrequirements table VBBE or in the collective customer requirementstable VBBS. If in point 2 above, the system determines that no further customerrequirements exist, then it will check whether the correspondingmaterial master of the customer requirement has been cleared. If in point 3 above, the system determines that the material master hasbeen cleared, then the existing PBVPB entry is deleted. The program can be executed in two different sessions:
- If you have selected the parameter, "test mode" (default value), the
system will carry out the checks, however, will not update thedatabase.
- If you have not selected the parameter, "test mode", the system carries
out the check and updates the database.
- You define the scope of the log using the parameter, "Detailed
statement". 'X' means that the system will display a list of everysingle deleted entry. Otherwise, the system only provides informationon the number of deleted entries. This program can be carried out at any time. However, it makes sense tocarry out the material reorganization program MMREO010 first.