Description Use this report to obtain a list of the reservations>that have been posted for one or more materials. From this list, youcan display an individual reservation.Output For each material, you obtain a list of the reservation items with thefollowing data:
- requirement date
- plant
- reservation and reservation item
- movement type
- required quantity and unit of measure
- difference quantity:
A difference quantity is displayed if the material for the reservationhas been overwithdrawn or overdelivered. The difference quantity is marked with a minus sign if the quantity withdrawn is greater than the quantity required. The difference quantity is marked with a plus sign if the final issue indicator> is set and thequantity withdrawn is smaller than the quantity required.
- account assignment indicator and account assignment
- indicator "Del" ,,(item is deleted)
- indicator "Mvt allowed" ,,(goods movement for the reservation allowed)
- indicator "FIs" ,,(final issue> for the
reservation) By using the line selection function you can display the overviewscreen for the reservation. Here you can press F5 to display the detailscreen for the reservation item. INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR