Description In Release 3.0C, the programming of the availability check withinmanual reservations and goods movements was changed and based on thenew function module of the general availability check'MD_CHECK_ATP_GLOBAL'. Within the framework of this change, the "confirmed quantity" is nowalso updated in a manually generated reservation (MB21). As of Release 3.0C, the availability check within the goods movementtakes into account the confirmed quantity of the reservation. Inconsequence, an availability check with reservations generated prior toRelease 3.0C may yield an incorrect result. To enable the withdrawal of materials for these reservations (whennon-availabiity leads to an error message (Customizing setting)) and toobtain a reliable result from an availability check, it is necessary toset the "confirmed quantity" equal to the requirement quantity for allreservations. This function is performed by program RM07RESU if the parameter'Execute Changes' = 'X' is set. The program should be run very soon after the implementation ofRelease 3.0C |