Description For Release 3.0C, programming of the availability check withinmanual reservations and goods movements has been changed so that itcomplies with the new function module for general availability check'MD_CHECK_ATP_GLOBAL'. Due to this change, the 'quantity confirmed' is now also updated inreservations created manually (MB21). As of Release 3.0C, the availability check carried out during goodsmovements also takes the confirmed quantities into account. This maylead to incorrect results if the availability check is performed forreservations created prior to Release 3.0C. To allow the withdrawals for these reservations (in cases wherenon-availability causes an error message to be issued (Customizingsetting)) or to obtain meaningful results from an availability check,it is required to set the 'confirmed quantity' of all reservations sothat it corresponds to the required quantity. This function is carried out by program RM07RESU provided that the'Update' parameter has been set before the program is run. This program should be run as soon as possible after uprgrading to3.0C. |