Description The report Cancelled material documents> issues a list with thefollowing data:
- material documents> with
the associated reversal documents or
- reversal documents> with
the associated material documentsPrecondition To display the documents, you need authorization to display materialdocuments (authorization object Material documents:Plant>, Activity 03) for at least one plant.Output The system displays the following information for each document youenter:
- number of the reversal material document
- year of the reversal material document
- number of the original material document
- year of the original material document
If you place the cursor on a document, you can go to the documentoverview by choosing:
- Goto -> Document>, and the associated documents in Financial
Accounting, by choosing:
- Goto -> FI documents>
To see a comparison of the items in the reversal document and theassociated original document, select a line and choose Goto ->Detail>. INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR