Purpose This report compares the totals of the values from the material masterswith the balances of the assigned stock accounts. We recommend running this report at regular intervals (for example,monthly or at the end of the year). You can save the results of a run and evaluate the saved results at alater point in time. The result comprises the result of an MM-FIcomparison of balances per company code for a checked period. Itcomprises at least one line with a stock account. Integration No materials are blocked when you run the report. The system continuesto update stock values and quantities and the G/L accounts checkedcontinue to be posted to. For this reason, differences may be shownalthough there are no inconsistencies in the system. The system determines such cases by determining the stock accounts andtheir balances and comparing them with each other before and after thedatabase selection. If differences are found here, the result of thisrun is unusable. The list output includes the column 'Postings'. If adifference between before and after is found, the line is marked with astock account with postings. You can switch the non-hierarchical lists to an alternativerepresentation. To do so, choose the activity 'Print Functions:Reporting' in Customizing for Inventory Management. In this Customizingactivity, you can switch the coloring of the values on or off. A layoutis assigned to each of the various lists. With the aid of this layout,the user can control the representation of the list output. Variances are now only shown in red: positive variances in bright red(instead of green as previously) and negative ones in dark red. Prerequisites You need the following authorizations for display: - Display of accounting documents - Display accounting document: authorization for account types - Display G/L account: authorization for company codes Features The function overview in detail: Selection Company code Only the data of the selected company codes, i.e. the existing resultsfor this company code selected and processed. Standard_variants Output Perform MM-FI comparison of balances The report creates totals for the material master records belonging tothe selected company codes and compares these totals with the balancesof the assigned stock accounts. This MM-FI balance comparison can always only check the data for thefollowing period in one run: Current period Previous period Previous year Year before last The list output can be represented as follows: Hierarchical representation Non-hierarchical representation You can use the non-hierarchical representation to download the listoutputs. If errors are discovered during the run, these are output with anappropriate text line at the end of the list. Depending on the type oferror discovered, the columns 'Postings' and or 'Errors' are inserted inthe list. Entries in these columns indicate faulty lines. You can show the values of a stock account in detail. If you positionthe cursor on the desired line and then double-click, the data of thisstock account is displayed at the level company code, stock account,valuation area, and valuation class. If you save the results of this run, the results are saved per companycode in the cluster table INDX. They can be evaluated at a later pointin time with other functions. If the report should discover errors during the MM-FI balancecomparison, the results are saved without the error texts. During thesaving, the system merely notes whether postings occurred during theruntime or wither other errors occurred. Display existing results This function displays results of earlier runs from the cluster tableINDX. You can show results with different lists. If errors were discovered during the original check, the columns'Postings' and 'Errors' appear. The lines of the faulty company codes orstock accounts are marked accordingly. Detailed error messages are notavailable. Start date The selections for the start date apply only to the functions 'DisplayExisting Results' and 'Existing Results for Deletion'. You can make atargeted search for existing results according to the start date. These results can be shown as follows: Overview of existing results A line is displayed in a non-hierarchical list for each result. Thetraffic light shows the status of the result: - Green (no differences, no errors) - Yellow (no differences, but errors discovered during runtime) - Red (there are differences) Interactions: - If you position the cursor on a line and double-click, the data forthe selected result is represented in hierarchical form. - Select the lines to be deleted and click the 'Delete Results' button.A pop-up appears for confirmation. If you choose 'Yes', all selectedresults are deleted from the cluster table INDX. Complete list, hierarchical representation The data is represented in a hierarchical list. To create subtotals perresult, the 'Running Number' field has been included in the list output. Complete list, non-hierarchical representation The data is represented in a non-hierarchical list. To create subtotalsper result, 'Running Number' field has been included in the list output. Display groupable company codes This function shows which company codes have the same periods and whichcan be grouped together in a run of this report with the function MM-FIPerform Balance Comparison. You cannot change the layout in this listoutput. Activities Schedule report RM07MMFI with the function 'MM-FI Perform BalanceComparison' regularly for the current period. Select 'Save Results ofThis Run'. The function 'MM-FI Perform Balance Comparison for CurrentPeriod' requires less runtime than the checking of the other periodsfrom the past. You can monitor the consistency of the values from materials managementwithout any gaps. Example 'Show Groupable Company Codes' function The periods of the company codes 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0005 match upwith the calendar year. Company code 0004 has a non-calendar fiscalyear. The 'Show Groupable Company Codes' function suggests that companycodes 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0005 could be grouped together. Run report RM07MMFI with the function MM-FI Perform Balance Comparisonfor the Period Previous Year' twice: 1. For company codes 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0005 2. For company code 0004. |
32236 | Incorrect stock qty or stock value in material master |
968812 | MM/FI Difference for material stocks |
636442 | Inconsistencies between FI and MM-IM |
1000077 | FAQ: Problems when implementing Note 32236 |
1284654 | Caution with implementations of the BAdI: MB_DOCUMENT_BADI |
1227770 | Analysis and correction reports for inventory management |
198596 | Fast MM-FI balance comparison (replacement of RM07MBST) |
690027 | FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS) |
497391 | MB5L: Valuated stocks with subcontractor in OBEW |
1033023 | RM07APP1: Error in Releases 602 and 603 |
921161 | RM07MMFI: Improvement of runtime and function |
520010 | FAQ: Inconsistencies in inventory management |
520765 | FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS) |
413045 | xxx RM07MMFI: Error for previous period in upgrade period |
437613 | MR11: Clearing IR surplus with partial stock valuated mater |
310024 | xxx RM07MMFI: RM07MMFI:Error in previous periods after upgra |
305383 | xxx RM07APP1: Error for EBCDIC character sets |
407315 | Stock inconsistency through cancellation or parking |
373296 | Valuation during GR for foreign currency purchase order |
386846 | xxx data selection redesign RM07MMFI |
368185 | MIRO:Incnsistncy posting matl items to prior period |
313803 | xxx RM07APP1: Routine GET_RELEASE does not exist |
203350 | Notes on stock value/balance comparison |
215839 | MB5L: Balance variance when using selections |