Report used to create batch input sessions, in order to post materialdocuments for goods movements.Description The report RM07MMBL is used to create batchinput sessions> for goods movements. In a second step, you mustprocess the BTCI sessions, in order to post the material documents> for the goods movements. The data for the BTCI session is imported from an external dataset as asequential file. The structure of this sequential file is predefined intable BMSEG. You can display this structure via the Data Dictionaryinformation system (object class Fields>).Precondition INCLUDE MB_RE05 Similar to entering data online, the system expects certain data foreach goods movement (for example, posting date, document date, materialnumber, quantity). If this data is not made available, an error willoccur when the BTCI session is processed. Via batch input, you can post material documents with reference topurchase orders or reservations only if the reference documents existin the system. Procedure using test data Before data is imported for the production system, a run should beperformed using test data. In this case, data is not imported from thesequential file but from the Customizing system. This means that youhave to maintain test data for the Customizing system of InventoryManagement (under Tools> -> Adopt data>) -> Stocks>-> Test data>. For testing purposes, the following goods movements are allowed:
- SAP transaction MB01, movement type 101 (goods receipt for PO)
For this movement, the order number and order item are required (notthe material number).
- SAP transaction MB11, movement type 501 (goods receipt w/o PO)
For this movement, the material number is required.
- SAP transaction MB11, movement type 201 (goods issue for cost center)
For this movement, the material number and the account assignment(cost center) are required. INCLUDE MB_RE03