Description Report RM07MKBS> generates a list ofconsignment stocks>. Authorizations> For the relevant plants, you always need authorization to display thematerial master data: Object M_MATE_WRK> withactivity 03 (display). For the Display prices/values> function, you must haveauthorization to display the correspondingpurchasing info records>:Object M_EINF_EKO> with activity 03 (display).Output Negative stocks and values are represented by a red background. If thestocks and values are equal to zero or positive, they are representedby a green background. The list includes the following information for each material:
- Unrestricted-use consignment stock for each vendor
- Vendors
- Plant
- Storage location
- Batch if there is a batch management requirement
- Consignment valuation price and total value
This information is only displayed if you have set the Displayprices/values> indicator on the initial screen. Menu options from the output list>
- Goto -> Total vendor>
The cursor is positioned on a line with a vendor number: The "Total vendor" list is only set up for these vendors and thematerials from the main list. The cursor is not positioned on the line with the vendor number: The "Total vendor" list is set up for all vendors and materialsincluded in the output list.
- Environment -> Vendor>
This function can only be executed if the cursor is positioned on aline with a vendor number.
- Environment -> Material>
This function can be executed if the cursor is positioned on either aline with a material number or a line with a vendor number.
- Environment -> Material movements>
This function can only be executed if the cursor is positioned on aline with a vendor number. The transaction Material Document List > (MB51) is started with these values: Material number, plant,storage location and vendor number.
- Environment -> ConsgtInfoRecord>
This function can only be executed if the cursor is positioned on aline with a vendor number. With Goto -> Total vendor>, you will see the followinginformation for each material:
- Vendors
- Material
- Plant
- Total stock in base unit of
- Total value of consignment materials for each vendor
The total value is only displayed if you have set the Displayprices/values> indicator on the initial screen. Display totals for each vendor> The sum of the total stock and total value is determined from theconsignment stocks that are read from the database and included in theoutput list. This means that the totals for each vendor do not have tobe correct if you have restricted the selection of stocks on theinitial screen according to material, plant, storage location, batch ormaterial group. The totals for a vendor are only then correctly determined if you donot make restrictions for the materials on the initial screen. Menu options from the details list> In the "Consignment stocks for vendor" list, the cursor must always beon the line with the material and vendor numbers.
- Goto -> ConsgtInfoRecord>
- Environment -> Vendor>
- Environment -> Material>
- Environment -> Material movements>
The Material Document List> (MB51) transaction is started withthese values: Material number, plant and vendor number. INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN