Title Material documents with reason for movement Purpose This report displays a list of all goods movements for which at leastone reason for movement has been specified. The report selects all ofthe material documents for which the Reason formovement> indicator is set. The data from the selected documents is usually displayed in anaggregated form:
- The header includes the fields Material Number>, Material
Description>, and Vendor>
- The items include the summarized data at movement type level, and the
reason for the goods movement. The system totals the quantities andvalues from the individual documents. The report selects documents according to two criteria:
- Without reference to purchase orders
The system evaluates all document items where you have entered a reasonfor the movement. If you set the No Vendor> indicator on the initial screen, thesystem only evaluates those documents that do not have a reference toeither a purchase order or to a vendor.
- With reference to purchase orders
This criteria is valid if the document contains at least one item witha reason for the movement, and there is also a reference to a purchaseorder. The system uses the purchase order history to read all other GRdocuments for the purchase order item. The system aggregates the data by movement type and reason formovement. The system then evaluates the Print a PO Item>indicator for the given movement type: Print indicator <> 2> The system views these lines as goods receipts or reversals for goodsreceipts. The totals of the quantities and values are set at 100%, asthe basis for further evaluations. Print indicator = 2> The system views these lines as return deliveries with a specialreason. The quantities and values are displayed as percentage portionsof the return delivery from the total GR quantities and GR values. In the standard system, the Print a PO Item> indicator is set to= 2 for the movement types 122 and 161. This indicator exists in the field catalog, and you can include it inthe output list by changing the layout.Prerequisites Authorization check> To display all documents with quantities and values, you need thefollowing authorizations:
- At plant level, you need authorization to display material documents
(authorization object material documents: plant>,activity 03).
- At company code level, you need authorization to display accounting
documents (authorization object accounting document:authorization for company codes>, activity 03)Features INCLUDE MMIM_REP_AUTHORIZATION OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Selection INCLUDE MMIM_SELEKTION OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Output INCLUDE MMIM_BELEGE_PRO_MATERIAL OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN
- the vendor who delivered the material
- the key for the reason for movement
- the standard text for the reason for movement
- the movement type used for posting
- the complete quantity (in the order unit) that was not posted with a
return delivery movement type for return deliveries, the complete return delivery quantity in theorder unit that was posted with a return delivery movement type The percentage of the returned quantity in proportion to the totaldelivered quantity Displaying material documents> If you place the cursor on a line, you can display all materialdocuments pertaining to this line by choosing Environment ->Material documents> (for example, all material documents with aparticular movement type). From here, you can call up a given materialdocument by choosing Environment -> Material documents>. Calling up the stock overview> You call up the stock overview for a material by choosingEnvironment -> Stock overview>. Displaying the purchase order history> To call up the purchase order history for a chosen purchase order item,choose Environment -> PO history> from the detail list. INCLUDE MMIM_REP_DETAILLIST OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN