Description Use the report RM07MCHV to create a batchwhere-used list> for a batch of a material. You have the option to perform two different types of analysis:
top-down analysis
bottom-up- analysis
Whenever required, you can switch from one type of analysis to theother. (Übersetzer: zum Teil aus der Release-Info MM_IM_21DCHVWkopiert)>
Precondition You can only create a batch where-used list if
the batch where-used list function is active in the given plant and
the required data (receipt and issue records) are contained in the
batch where-used file. Depending on how the system is set, the receiptand issue records are either created automatically whenever a goodsmovement is posted, or manually with the aid of a report.
Output The system creates a list whose structure varies according to the typeof analysis:
Top-down analysis The top-down analysis allows you to find out what a given batch is madeup of. For this type of analysis, the list is structured as follows:
Information on the batch in question (for example, a finished product)is contained in a header showing the origin of the batch. To display theusage of a batch (for example, deliveries to customers), position thecursor accordingly and select Origin/where used>.
For a top-down analysis, the batch in question is broken down intomultiple levels so that all of its components are displayed. For eachcomponent, a level item is displayed showing the usage of thecorresponding batch. To display the origin of the batch, position thecursor accordingly and select Origin/where used>. The usage of the component (issue) simultaneously represents the origin(receipt) of the next higher stage of production. This information isthus used to show the relationship between the various stages ofproduction.
Bottom-up analysis The bottom-up analysis allows you to examine the usage of a givenbatch. For this type of analysis, the list is structured as follows:
Information on the batch in question (for example, raw material) isdisplayed in a header showing the usage of the batch. To display theorigin of the batch (for example, purchase order made to vendor),position the cursor accordingly and select Origin/where used>.
For a bottom-up analysis, the usage of the batch in quwstion is tracedup to the finished product via multiple levels. For each stage ofproduction, a level item is displayed showing the origin of thecorresponding batch. To display the usage of the batch, position thecursor accordingly and select Origin/where used>. The origin (receipt) of the product simultaneously represents the usageof the components (issue) or of the next higher level displayed. Thisinformation is thus used to show the relationship between the variousstages of production.
Additional functions From within the list, you can perform the following functions:
To display the relevant master data or document data, place the cursor
on a material, batch, or document and select Environment -> ...>.
To change to the other type of analysis from a particular level,
place the cursor on the desired level and select Goto ->Bottom-up> or Goto -> Top-down>.
Select Goto -> W/o order number> to display a list of
materials for which no further batch tracing is possible, because thematerial documents were entered without reference to a production orderor purchase order.
If the column T> (Transfer posting) is preselected, this means
that the batch has been subject to a stock transfer or transfer posting.Place the cursor on the level and select Goto -> Origin/where used>to display the material document of the transfer posting.In the case of a stock transfer from plant to plant, it may be necessaryto carry out the batch where-used list function in the other plant.
Select Goto -> Graphics> to obtain a graphic display of the
batch where-used list. In the graphic, you can double click on abatch to display the origin or usage of the batch.