SAP Program RM07MBST - List of Stock Values: Balances

The report List of Stock Values: Balances is used to display thetotal quantity and value of the stock of one or more materials at plantand storage location level.
In addition, the system determines the stock account to which materialis posted in the case of a goods movement.
You can display the balance values for each company code and G/Laccount. The balance of the G/L account is compared to the stock valueof the specified material, and any deviation between the two totals isindicated.

We recommend that you start this report regularly, for example, once permonth for the previous period or during the tasks of theyear-end closing. To dothis, choose Periodic Processing -> List of Stock Values from theInventory Management menu.
No materials are blocked when you run the report. The systems continuesupdating stock values and stock quantities and continues posting valuesto the G/L accounts that have been checked. The balance values may nottherefore by zero, even though there are no inconsistencies in thesystem. When postings are being carried out, you will not get accurateresults until you run the report several times and compare the resultsof each one.
If you start the report without specifying a material,valuation area, orvaluation class, thebalance per stock account must be the same as the total valuated stockof all materials in the respective valuation class.
Variances can occur for the following reasons:

  • You have entered postings to the stock account manually.

  • The stock account includes not only stock postings, but also other
  • postings. In this case, you should check the account determination inthe Customizing for Valuation and Account Assignment. Make sure that thestock accounts are used solely for the transaction key BSX (stockpostings).
    Check Account Determination
    • The account assignment for the stock accounts (transaction key BSX) was
    • changed during productive operation; the respective stocks, however,were not deducted from the old account (movement type 562) and posted tothe new one (movement type 561).
      You can choose the following balance values:
      • Balance of the current period

      • Balance of the previous period

      • Balance of the previous year
      • Precondition
        To display data, you need the following authorizations:

        • Authorization to display material master data for at least one plant
        • (authorization object Material master: Plant,activity 03)
          • Authorization to display accounts (authorization object
          • Accounting document: Authorization for account types
            , activity 03)


            • For each company code, the balance of the G/L account is compared with
            • the stock value of the material specified and the system indicates anydeviation between the two totals.
              • If several materials have been specified, the cumulative total of the
              • stock values of all selected materials posted to the G/L account arecompared to the balance determined, and any deviation between the twototals is displayed.
                • If you place the cursor on the G/L account and select Environment->
                • Display Stocks, the system displays an overview of all materials withtheir total stock and total value for the selected G/L account. If youplace the cursor on a material and select Environment -> StockOverview, you can display the stock overview.
                  INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR

968812MM/FI Difference for material stocks
636442Inconsistencies between FI and MM-IM
1284654Caution with implementations of the BAdI: MB_DOCUMENT_BADI
198596Fast MM-FI balance comparison (replacement of RM07MBST)
486477MM-IM Law on Tax Reduction: Separate authorization check
555246MM-IM tax reduction law: Logging
520010FAQ: Inconsistencies in inventory management
843776MB5L Termination due to large datasets
520765FAQ: Reporting IM (no LIS)
580664MM_MATNR: Check of year before last balances unnecessary
579976MB52: List format occurs with initial layout
392078MM_MATNR: No check of previous years´ balances
525339MB5L : Error when you branch to detail list
310024xxx RM07MMFI: RM07MMFI:Error in previous periods after upgra
407315Stock inconsistency through cancellation or parking
392393MM_SPSTOCK: Previous year's balance not checked
386846xxx data selection redesign RM07MMFI
368185MIRO:Incnsistncy posting matl items to prior period
203350Notes on stock value/balance comparison
116601Inconsistencies between MM and FI
215839MB5L: Balance variance when using selections
150825MB5L:Flags 'only valuation area' and 'Extend. chck'