Description The report List of Stock Values: Balances> is used to display thetotal quantity and value of the stock of one or more materials at plantand storage location level. In addition, the system determines the stock account to which materialis posted in the case of a goods movement. You can display the balance values for each company code and G/Laccount. The balance of the G/L account is compared to the stock valueof the specified material, and any deviation between the two totals isindicated.Note We recommend that you start this report regularly, for example, once permonth for the previous period or during the tasks of theyear-end closing>. To dothis, choose Periodic Processing -> List of Stock Values> from theInventory Management menu. No materials are blocked when you run the report. The systems continuesupdating stock values and stock quantities and continues posting valuesto the G/L accounts that have been checked. The balance values may nottherefore by zero, even though there are no inconsistencies in thesystem. When postings are being carried out, you will not get accurateresults until you run the report several times and compare the resultsof each one. If you start the report without specifying a material,valuation area>, orvaluation class>, thebalance per stock account must be the same as the total valuated stockof all materials in the respective valuation class. Variances can occur for the following reasons:
- You have entered postings to the stock account manually.
- The stock account includes not only stock postings, but also other
postings. In this case, you should check the account determination inthe Customizing for Valuation and Account Assignment. Make sure that thestock accounts are used solely for the transaction key BSX> (stockpostings). IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'. Check Account Determination> ENDIF