SAP Program RM07IMDE - Report For Transferring PDC Phys. Inv. Data

Note that this program was developed for the special requirements ofmySAP Retail. In cases where the existing range of functions isnot sufficient for your requirements, SAP recommends transferring thePDC inventory count data using methods (BAPIs) into the ERP system.
In this case, for the business object MaterialPhysInv (materialphysical inventory) (object type BUS2028 - material physicalinventory) use the method Count: "Enter Count for Specific Itemsof an Inventory Document" (function module BAPI_MATPHYSIV_COUNT).

You can use this program to import PDC inventory count data from anexternal dataset into the ERP System. The program does not itselfgenerate any batch input sessions, instead it updates sequential datathat you can process with the regular physical inventory programs forgenerating batch input sessions.
The program can process records for which inventory differences have notyet been posted as well as records for which inventory documents havenot yet been created.
The program processes the PDC inventory count data as follows:
It reads the PDC inventory count data from a sequential file atoperating system level (source file).
The sequential file must correspond to the structure BISEG_MDEpredefined in the Data Dictionary. The structure contains the followingfields:
Storage location
Material number
Special stock indicator
Stock type
Quantity counted and unit of entry
Sales value (optional)
If the source file contains several counted quantities for the samephysical inventory item, the system aggregates these records andsummates the counted quantities and the sales values, if there are any.If the quantities counted have been entered in different units ofmeasure, the system converts them to the base unit.
The program updates the imported records by adding the data entered onthe initial screen (such as physical inventory reference, count date,session name).
The system checks for each record if a physical inventory documentalready exists in the SAP R/3 System and generates two target files fromthe source file:
One target file for records with physical inventory document
One target file for records without physical inventory document
For the first file (with physical inventory document) you then have torun program RM07II34 (Batch input: enter count with reference todocument) in order to generate the batch input session.
If the indicator Difference posting is set on the initial screen,you have to run program RM07II38 (Batch input: enter count withreference to document and post differences) instead.
For the second file (without physical inventory document), you then haveto run program RM07II39 (Batch input: enter count without reference todocument) in order to generate the batch input session.
If the indicator Difference posting is set on the initial screen,you have to run program RM07II40 (Batch input: enter count withoutreference to document and post differences) instead.
You fin the batch input programs for the physical inventory in thephysical inventory menu under Sessions.

Before running the program, make sure that:

  • The PDC inventory count data exists as a sequential file in the
  • structure defined by BISEG_MDE.
    • The logical file names entered on the initial screen are assigned to a
    • physical file in table view V_FILENAME at operating system level. Inparticular, the logical name of the source file must be assigned to thephysical file containing the PDC count data.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      • Before importing the sequential file, you should carry out a test run.
      • To do this, you must maintain specific test data in Customizing forInventory Management. The test data for program RM07IMDE must correspondto structure BISEG_MDE.
        IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
        Note that during the test run, the data in the source file isoverwritten by the test data.

        If you have set the indicator Issue log on the initial screen,the system issues a log after the test run. This log contains thefollowing data:

        • List of items with errors including cause of the error

        • List of transferred items without reference to document

        • List of items with reference to document