SAP Program RM07IINV - Display Physical Inventory Data for Material

Display physical inventory data for a material

This report displays the physical inventory data for a material. Youcan also have the system display the physical inventory data forbatches or forspecial stocks.

To display physical inventory data, you needauthorization for thefollowing authorization objects:

  • Phys. inv.: phys. inv. document in plant, activity
  • 03
    • Material master: plant, activity 03
    • Features
      You can have the system display the physical inventory data for eachmaterial at plant level, storage location level and batch level. Youcan narrow down your selection byspecial stock and bystock type.



      • Plant

      • Storage location

      • Batch

      • Special stock

      • Assignment

      • In the case of special stocks, specify the assignment to anaccount assignment object,such as a sales order, a project or a vendor.
        • Stock type

        • Status of the Physical inventory blocking indicator

        • (A = Physical inventory active, X = Posting block) The physicalinventory blocking indicator relates to the respective stock concerned(storage location, batch or special stock) and applies to allassociated stock types.
          • Date of the previous physical inventory

          • Quantity of unrestricted-use stock

          • Base unit of measure used to manage the material

          • Physical inventory status in the current period

          • - to be executed, if no physical inventory documents have been
            created yet
            - active, if the differences have not been posted yet
            - completed, as soon as the differences will have been posted
            If you choose Display details, a dialog box appears, in whichthe stock quantities and stock values for the current period and theprevious period for each material by plant and storage location arelisted.
            if you choose Physical inventory documents for material, you canhave the system display the physical inventory documents for a materialby plant or storage location.
            If you choose Physical inventory differences, a dialog boxappears displaying the physical inventory differences by stock for thecurrent year and the previous year.