SAP Program RM07IDELS - Archiving Physical Inventory Documents: Delete Program

Report RM07IDELS deletes all the physical inventory documents of a filethat exists in the storage system from the database. The system deletesonly PI documents that have been archived using archiving objectMM_INVBEL.

In Customizing for the definition of the archiving objects (transactioncode AOBJ), you can specify that the system is to automaticallystart the associated delete report RM07IDELS when the write reportRM07IARCS ends. More information on this write report is available underArchiving Physical Inventory Documents: Write Program.
If you do not want to have the delete program started automatically, youshould manually start the delete report in archive administration(transaction code SARA) after a write run for the archive filesresulting from that run.


Scope of deletion
You can adjust the scope of deletion to the enhanced archiving scope ofthe associated write report RM07IARCS using the Business Add-In (BAdI)ARC_MM_INVBEL_WRITE (which is integrated within the report) withoutmodification. More information on the implementation of BAdIs inarchiving programs is available in SAP Note 673030.

The usual options are available for the flow control.

The report offers the usual output options.