SAP Program RM06NCUS - Report for Setting Up the Customizing Tables for Message Determination

This program helps the user to make the necessary system settings formessage determination. If you want to use the messagedetermination function in purchasing and your system was installedprior to release 2.0, we recommend that you first run this program.When the program has been run successfully, the messagedetermination function operates in the same way as in the standardclient.
The following dependencies are defined in the standard system:

  • The system first searches for message data (printer, time of
  • output/transmission, number of copies etc.) on the basis of thedocument type, purchasing organization and vendor.
    • If this yields no data, a further search is made on the basis of the
    • document type only. If no data is found here either, no automaticmessage is generated; that is, the document cannot yet beoutputted at all. The document can only be outputted/transmitted whenthe message data has been maintained manually in the document.
      You should thus proceed as follows:
      First run the program in all clients in which you want to use themessage determination function.
      When this has been done successfully, maintain the message data on thebasis of the access sequences described above. You will find thisfunction in the basic purchasing menu under "Master data". Here youchoose the function "Messages" and then maintain the necessary data foreach purchasing document. When you have done this, the system should beable to find the message data automatically and present it as defaultsin the document.
      If you do not want to use the automatic message determination function,simply do not run this program. Everything will then run as before.
      If you want to make the message data dependent on other criteria (e.g.on the purchasing group), specify new access sequences via theconfiguration menu and store them in the message determination schemafor the relevant document. However, it is advisable to first start thisprogram, in order to have a certain basic settings as a starting point.Only then should you make your desired adjustments.
      The program can also be used to restore the standard settings aftermanual settings have been made which perhaps do not function asintended.

      The program causes a brief system message to be issued after it hasbeen run successfully.