SAP Program RM06HL25 - Correction Report Note 66980: Partner Loss After PO Extension

This report allows you to copy partners from the vendor master recordinto purchase orders from which the partners have been lost as a resultof previous extensions to the PO (Note 66980).
As selection criteria, you can enter the PO number, vendor, or PO date.Only POs are selected - not RFQs or scheduling agreements.
The report initially selects all POs that do not contain the defaultpartner role 'LF'; these are potentially POs whose partners have beendeleted. After this, all those partners from the vendor master recordthat are missing from the PO are offered for copying into the PO. Inthe process, only the purchasing organization level is taken intoaccount, not any different partners at plant or vendor sub-range level.
You can select (mark) those partners that you wish to adopt in the PO.When you save, the selected partners will be written to the database.In doing so, the system checks against the partner schema in the PO:i.e. partners that are not included in this schema are not adopted.Furthermore, when several partners of the same partner role areselected for a PO, only the first one selected is taken into account.The report does not set any locks.