SAP Program RM06ELLB - SC Stock Monitoring for Vendor

The report "SC Stock Monitoring for Vendor" creates a list of stocks ofmaterials provided to a vendor, with the current stock situation,planned issues and planned receipts.
Outward (issue) elements are:

  • Dependent requirements from subcontracting purchase requisitions (SC
  • requisitions)
    • Dependent requirements from subcontract purchase orders

    • Inward (receipt) elements are:
      • Stock transfer reservations (where MRP areas are used)

      • Purchase requisitions to an external supplier who replenishes the SC
      • stock
        • Purchase orders to an external supplier

        • Deliveries (from own plant to subcontractor)
        • Features of list
          You can delimit your selection on the initial screen. For example, youcan use the Group by Batches indicator tospecify grouping by batch numbers.
          The list is initially aggregated, i.e. the requirement and inwardelements are shown as totals lines. You can also show the individualpurchase orders, deliveries etc.
          All outward and inward elements are shown with their open quantityonly. If, for example, 8 out of 10 units covered by a purchaserequisition have already been ordered, the list only includes theremaining quantity of 2.
          The sum of the SC stock and the inward movements less the dependentrequirements yields the available SC stock (shown in green if 0 orpositive, or red if negative).
          The following BOM components are not taken into account in theselection of the dependent requirements:

          • Phantom assemblies

          • Co-products (components
          • with negative input quantity)
            • Bulk material items

            • Components withdrawn not from SC stock but from a different special
            • stock (individual customer or project stock).

              For more information on subcontracting in Materials Management, referto the SAP library (under Logistics -> Materials Management ->Inventory Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory ->Special Stocks and Special Forms of Procurement -> Subcontracting.

458938FAQ: Subcontracting stock monitoring list, transaction ME2O
607156 Goods movements in IS OIL: MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT
613892ME2O: Performance during SC stock monitoring V
508132AFS Performance in ME2O - SC Stock monitoring report
441767Error 03 167 occurs when executing transaction me2o
460180ME2O: Performance during SC stock monitoring IV
480602Deliveries from ME2O without VGBEL
458512ME2O Performance during selection via assembly
398551ME2O Deleted stock transfer reservation displayed
363970Components of held subcontract orders in ME2O
360019ME2O: Performance during SC Stock Monitoring III
339412VL04,ME2O,CNS0,MBRL: Unwanted delivery split
337828ME2O: Performance during SC Stock Monitoring II