SAP Program RLORD035 - Correction Rpt: Inconsistancy in Purchase Req. Deletion Indic./Order

With this report you can check purchase requisitons in the system andset or cancel the deletion indicator. The report can be useful in thefollowing cases:

  • If you cancel the technical completion of an order or network, the
  • system attempts to cancel the deletion indicators of the respectivepurchase requisitions. It is possible that an error occurs in thiscase, that is, the order is in process again, the respective purchaserequisition, however, still has a deletion indicator.
    • In addition, in the system, purchase requisitions may exist without
    • deletion indicators that no longer have an assignment to a maintenanceorder, service order, production order or network.
      This is the case, for example, if you have deleted an operation or acomponent in the order and the system has not set any deletionindicator for the purchase requisitions which exist for the externaloperation or external material.

      You can choose between the following functions:

      • Purchase Requisition

      • If you leave the field Purchase Requisition blank, the systemchecks all purchase requisitions; otherwise only the specified purchaserequisitions are checked.
        • Test Mode

        • If you select the field, the program runs in the test mode. If youleave the field blank, the program runs in the productive mode.
          • Setting Deletion Indicator

          • If you select the field, the program sets a deletion indicator forpurchase requisitions without an assignment.
            If you leave the field blank, the program sets a deletion indicator forpurchase requisitions without an assignment.In addition, for purchaserequisitions for which the respective order or network is set to inprocess, the system cancels the deletion indicator again.
            • Importing statuses all at once

            • If you select the field, the system imports the statuses all at once.This setting is suitable for small datasets. For large datasets, youshould not select the field since otherwise problems may occur with themain memory.

              Due to the long run time, we recommend to run the program in thebackground. A division of the purchase requisitions may help to improvethe performance. Therefore, start several programs with differentintervals for the purchase requisitions. After the run of the programyou must possibly set up the purchase requisition commitment again. Forthis you can use report RKANBU01.


513824Analysis report: Duplicate PReq items operations
397290MESSAGE_TYPE_X when cancelling technical completion