SAP Program RLMOB019 - Mobile Computing: Handling Unit - Packing / Unpacking

Pack Handling Unit

This report allows radio frequency users to create a new handling unitor to add material, a serial number, or lower handling units to anexisting handling unit. You can add additional packing material to ahandling unit.

The handling unit can be created in the warehouse managementenvironment and from 4.6c on as well in the inventory managementenvironment.
If the handling unit will be created in the warehouse management, thefollowing data is required:

  • Plant

  • Storage location with handling unit management (destination location)

  • Storage location without handling unit management (source location)

  • Warehouse number

  • Storage type

  • Storage bin

  • If the handling unit will be created in the inventory management, thefollowing data is required:
    • Plant

    • Storage location with handling unit management (destination location)

    • Storage location without handling unit management (source location)

    • The source storage location and the destination storage location arealways defined as a pair in the table t100I. When you enter thedestination storage location, the appropriate source storage locationwill automatically be taken from the t100I table.
      The handling unit will be created in two steps: In the first step anempty header will be generated, and in the second step the items of thehandling unit will be inserted, and information about them will beadded.