SAP Program RLMG0050 - Batch Input for Transfer of Material Master Data Whse Number Overview

This report serves as a tool to assist in taking over the material /warehouse master / warehouse number view from R/2 warehouses into an ECCwarehouse. To do this, it reads a sequential data file using thestructure LDK30 and generates a batch input file to create a materialmaster record warehouse management view with warehouse number data(takeover of MLGN).

Prerequisite is that the sequential file with the old data must be inECC format and ECC structure LDK30. The fields all have CHAR-format,that is, no packed fields will be accepted.
The sequential file can be created from the R/2 System by RemoteFunction Call to the function building block L_DATASET_CREATION in theERP System.
The following files are transferred:
Internal table in LDK30 structure
Dummy table LDK31
Table name MLGN
Instead of creating a batch input file, you can also take over dataon-line. For most data, this is not recommended and should therefore becarried out for test purposes only. To do this, you use a CALLTRANSACTION USING ... which brings up the screens in the foreground.That way you can see how this report works.
Via a function module, the system searches for the path name and thefile name. This function module looks up the information in the tableV_FILENAME (to be maintained using SM30 V_FILENAME).

You can display a screen with a log of the data that was read for whicha batch input file was created.