SAP Program RLLNACH4 - Replenishment for Storage Types with Random Space Management

Replenishment for storage types with random bin management

You can use this report to control replenishment within the warehousefor storage types withrandom storage bin management. The system calculates the replenishmentquantity on the basis of the current stock situation in the storagetype and the replenishment quantity defined in thematerial master record.The system then createstransfer requirements(TRs) for the calculated replenishment quantities.

Define a WMS movement typefor the affected storage type with random bin management for theinternal warehouse replenishment.
We recommend using WMS movement type 319 as a template forinternal production replenishment. For replenishment within thewarehouse, you do not have to define a requirement type.



  • Enter the necessary selection criteria Plant, Warehouse
  • number and Storage type.
    • You can enter additional information for the replenishment transfer
    • requirement (TR), which is to be created, under Additional info fortransfer requirement. The system transfers this data to thereplenishment TR.
      • Under Screen control, you can choose whether to request the
      • replenishment in the foreground or in the background.
        If you choose background, the system automatically creates thereplenishment TRs for the material quantities to be staged.
        If you choose foreground, you can decide on the basis of a listof material items, which replenishment TRs the system is to create forthe material that is to be staged.
        We recommend that you always set the Display relevant onlyindicator. The system then always creates a list of all materials withstock levels below the given minimum stock level.

        If you have chosen foreground in the screen control and have setthe Display relevant only indicator, you receive a list of allmaterials with stock levels in the storage type below the definedminimum stock level.
        This list contains the following data:

        • Available quantity of the material in the storage type

        • Quantity of the material to be putaway (based on open putaway TOs)

        • Quantity from putaway TRs, which already exist for the material.

        • Replenishment quantity of the material, for which the system creates
        • replenishment TRs if you request staging.

          Example 1:
          Material stock in storage area,,=,,5
          Minimum stock of the material,,=,,10
          Maximum stock of the material,,=,,100
          Defined replenishment quantity,,=,,40
          Since the material stock in the storage type exceeds the definedminimum stock level, the system calculates a requested quantity andattempts to increase the stock in the warehouse type (5 pieces) inwhole steps of the replenishment quantity (40 pieces) to the maximumquantity (100 pieces) without exceeding this quantity.
          The system therefore determines a requested quantity of 80 pieces.
          (5 pieces + 2 * 40 pieces = 85 pieces < 100 pieces)
          Example 2:
          Material stock in storage type,,=,,5
          Minimum stock level of the material,,=,,10
          Maximum stock level of the material,,=,,100
          Defined replenishment quantity,,=,,0 (not defined in material masterrecord)
          The material stock in the storage type exceeds the minimum stock leveland the system calculates a requested quantity. Since you have notdefined a replenishment quantity in the material master record, therequired quantity is equal to the maximum stock minus the storage binstock.
          The system therefore determines a required quantity of 95 pieces.
          (100 pieces - 5 pieces = 95 pieces)