SAP Program RLLNACH2 - Replenishment Planning for Fixed Bins

You can use this report to create transfer requirements for thereplenishment of fixed bins in which stock removals based on relevantdeliveries are taken into consideration before picking takes place.
The report only considers fixed storage bins and planned picks forthese in addition to the current stock situation. The number ofdeliveries that are considered to initiate these stock removals can belimited based on various selection criteria. The system considerstransfer requirements that have already been created for replenishmentas future stock.
You can use this report, for example, at the end of the workday tocreate replenishment transfer requirements to supply fixed bins for thefollowing day. This way, you can retrieve an overview of the plannedreplenishments.
This report does not resolve any exact time planning or control ofreplenishments. You must still organize and carry out the physicalreplenishment. To post the replenishment in the system, you must createa transfer order for the transfer requirement and confirm it once thereplenishment has taken place.
A goods movement from one source storage type to a fixed bin in a fixedbin storage type is considered to be a fixed bin replenishment. Youenter the fixed bin storage type into the selection screen of thereport. As far as this report is concerned, the source storage type isirrelevant; the source storage type is not determined until thetransfer order is created for the transfer requirement using thematerial-dependent stock removal indicator.
You can use two customer exits to change the way the system processesdata to match your needs.
In the first customer exit ((EXIT_RLLNACH2_001, enhancement MWMRP001)you can change the internal table of relevant delivery items. Forexample, you can add or delete items or change the quantities of theitems.
In the second customer exit (EXIT_RLLNACH2_002, enhancement MWMRP002)you can change the internal table of material items with data such astotal quantity for replenishment, material quantity and number oftransfer requests.