SAP Program RLLL02SE - Warehouse Monitor: Determine Unprocessed Transfer Requirement Items

This report is a warehouse activity monitor report that determines alltransfer requirement items for the warehouse number specified that donot yet have the "Delivery completed" status and fulfill one of thefollowing requirements:

  • The time available for processing the transfer requirement item on
  • schedule is too short, that is, it is less than the critical time(duration) specified. This means that the period between the actualtime and the planned time of execution (planned date and planned timefrom the transfer requirement header) is less than the criticalduration.
    • The transfer requirement item has existed longer than a specific
    • critical duration.
      You have to define in Customizing which of these criteria is to be usedfor selection. You can define the critical duration for eachcombination of warehouse number and movement type in Customizing. Ifyou do not specify a critical duration for a specific combination ofwarehouse number and movement type, the system will not determinecritical transfer requirement items for this combination.

      Special case:
      For transfer requirement items with immediate TO creation, you canspecify a second critical duration in Customizing. If you define thiscritical duration for specific combinations of warehouse number andmovement type, the report will classify transfer requirement items withimmediate TO creation as critical if their status is not set to"Delivery completed" and if they have existed longer than this secondcritical duration. For transfer requirement items without immediate TOcreation, the first critical duration is applicable.
      Whenever the report is run, the database table of critical transferrequirement items is reorganised: the report deletes all transferrequirement items from this table that do no longer fulfill thecriteria for critical transfer requirement items (for example, sincetheir status has been set to "Delivery completed").
      You should execute this report as part of a batch job that is run atfixed intervals (for example, once or twice a day). This report is alsocalled up by the warehouse activity monitor (transaction LL01, in theWarehouse Management screen: Environment -> Warehouse activity monitor)if the function "Determine data again" is executed from the warehouseactivity monitor overview screen and the cursor is placed on thewarehouse activity monitor object Open transfer requirements.

      The system will only determine critical transfer requirement items fora warehouse number if you have activated the Open transferrequirements object in Customizing for the warehouse number enteredon the report selection screen.

      The report will store all determined critical transfer requirementitems in database table LL02. All transfer requirement items stored inthis table will be displayed as critical transfer requirement items bythe warehouse activity monitor (transaction LL01) unless their statusis set to "Delivery completed".

908959LL01: Poor performance when selecting LTBK/LTBP.