SAP Program RLINV080 - Cancel Phys. Inventory Doc. Items from an Active Inventory

Canceling a physical inventory document item from an active inventory.

You can use this report to cancel physical inventory document itemsfrom an active inventory.
If you use Handling Unit Management, then you can only enterdifferences for single-level handling units (HUs) during a WMinventory. You cannot enter differences for multilevel (nested) HUs inthe WM inventory.
If differences occur for multilevel (nested) HUs during a WM inventory,cancel the corresponding WM inventory item using this report, thencorrect the difference using the HU inventory. Create a new WMinventory document, and use this new document to count the itemsadjusted by the HU inventory.

You can only cancel inventory document items that do not have statusPosted or Canceled.

You cancel the inventory document item by setting the indicatorCancel for the relevant item, and then choosing Save.
You cannot revoke a cancellation of inventory document items once ithas been performed.

You can use the selection parameters on the initial screen to displayall inventory document items, or exactly one inventory document itemfor a physical inventory document.