SAP Program RLINFO00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Enter Information Text

You can use this report to test the interface between an externalsystem and the WM system for transmitting information texts.
Using this report, you can simulate the receipt of the IDoc WMINID01(information text) and thus simulate the transmission of information tothe WM system.
The following test options are provided in this report:

  • Testing via the ALE interface

  • The IDocs set up in this report are passed on to the function module"INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS". Further processing is the same as for thenormal interface from the external system via the ALE interface. Thismeans that for each transmitted information item, the system creates anIDoc and stores it in the form of a workitem in the WF inbox.
    So that the receipt from ALE can be processed, you must define thepartner processing for the external system to be tested and the messagetype "WMINFO". When you select the report, you must enter the externalsystem as the sender. As recipient, enter the logical name of the SAPSystem in which this test is taking place. This name is defined in theclient table as a logical system. If the sender name is maintained (inthe distribution model), this will be determined by the report anddisplayed in the selection screen.
    It is possible to run this test in the background. To do so, selectthe option "In Background Task".
    • Test information transmission directly

    • The created IDocs are passed on for processing by this report to theapplication function module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMINFO). The processingresults are listed in a log with the data that is passed on from thisfunction module during normal processing to the ALE interface. Noworkitem is created for the transmitted information item. Thereforethere is no entry in the WF inbox. This type of testing is appropriateif processing is to be tested within the application.
      To activate this type of test, you must select the option "Call upprocessing directly".
      • Testing between two SAP systems.

      • In this case, you test the communication for transmission ofinformation. The communication takes place between two SAP systems ortwo clients, that is, the behavior of the external system is simulatedby the transmitting SAP System. To test the IDoc inbox, this test typeis not absolutely necessary since the test with the first option isequally efficient.
        For this test, too, the systems involved need to be specified. Assender enter the logical name of the SAP system in which the test istaking place. This must be entered on the selection screen of thereport. As recipient enter the logical name of the SAP System to whichthe data is to be transmitted. The report can only determine the nameof the sender automatically. In the receiving SAP System, you mustdefine the partner aggreement in the inbox for the sender and themessage type "WMINFO".
        To activate this test, select the option "In Background Task" and enterthe logical RFC destination.

        The data is transmitted as an intermediate structure WMINID01. Foreach information text entered, the system creates an IDoc, which istransmitted to the target system.
