SAP Program RLCATO00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Cancel TOs (WMCAID01 IDOC)

You can use this report to test the interface between an externalsystem (subsystem) and the WM system for cancellations and transferorders.
With this report you can simulate the receipt of the IDOC WMCAID01(cancel TO) and thus also the cancellation of the TO.
The following test options are available in this report:

  • Testing via ALE interface.

  • The IDOCs set up in this report are passed on to the function module"INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS". Further processing is the same as for thestandard interface from the external system via ALE, that is, IDOCS arecreated, the respective function module for processing IDOCs is calledup, and, in the case of an error, the workflow is activated.
    So that ALE can carry out the processing required, you need to definethe partner processsing for the external system to be tested as well asthe message type WMCATO. In the report selection, you must enter theexternal system as the sender. The logical name of the R/3 system inwhich this test is taking place must also be specified. This name isdefined in the client table as the logical system. If the sender nameis maintained (in the distribution model), these are also determined bythe report and displayed in the selection screen.
    In addition, you can execute this test in the background. To do so,select the option "In Background Task".
    • Testing cancellation directly.

    • The created IDOCs are passed on by this report to the applicationfunction module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMCATO) for processing. As a result, theindividual transfer orders are cancelled and the system issues a logwith the data that was passed on from this function module to ALE forstandard processing. This type of test is appropriate if processing isto be tested within the application.
      To activate this type of test, select the option "Call up processingdirectly".
      • Testing between two R/3 systems.

      • For this option, use the report RLCATO10.
        Careful: If you test this interface, changes are executed in thedatabase. If processing is successful, the TOs defined in the IDOCsare cancelled.

        The data is passed on as an intermediate structure WMCAID01. Theselected transfer orders serve as a basis for IDOC processing. An IDOCis created for each transfer order. As a rule, the cancellation isexecuted for all relevant items. If items that cannot be cancelled areto be passed on using IDOCs, you must specify this accordingly. Thefirst items selected (depending on the number of items that cannot becancelled) are marked in the IDOC as such with a corresponding note.

        If the test is executed using ALE, only the number of IDOCs created andpassed on to ALE is listed. As a result, IDOCs with the respectivestatus are created. You can disply these using the ALE functions (WMmenu option "Environment").
        If you call up the application function module directly, the systemissues a log with the data that was passed on to ALE. For each IDOC,the IDOC status determined in the application, together with an errornote (if an error has occurred) and parameters for further IDOCprocessing are listed.
        The following statuses can be set in the application:

        • 51 - IDOC not processed, error in the application

        • 52 - IDOC only partially processed

        • 53 - IDOC processed, application document posted.

        • The following parameters can be set for further IDOC processing:
          • Continue_IDOCs - the application document selected in this IDOC can no

          • longer be processed (for example, the transfer order is alreadyconfirmed); the IDOC is marked as completed; there is an entry with acorresponding note for the IDOC in the WF inbox.
            • Processed_IDOCs - the IDOC has been processed successfuly; the
            • application document has been created or changed.
              • Error_IDOCs - the IDOC could not be processed; there is an error in the
              • application. The IDOC is marked as incorrect and there is acorresponding entry in the WF inbox.
                • Retry_IDOCs - the IDOC could not be processed; executing processing
                • again can remove the error (for example, blocking problem). The IDOCis treated in the same way as in the case of an error.
                  Regardless of the test type you choose, the individual transfer orderscan be checked to determine whether the function was actually executed.If there has been an error, the incorrect IDOCs are found in the WFinbox.