Prerequisites The report is in the source and target client. See note 165792. Purpose The assignment of an order type to a number range does not> alterduring a transport. If the number range assignment to the number rangeintervals in the target system differs from that in the source system,then the transported order types will be assigned number rangeintervals different from that in the source system. Therefore thenumbers for new orders in the target system are not transferred fromthe required number range interval. Following a transport you should therefore check the number rangeassignment of a transported order type in the order type maintenance ofthe target system and, if necessary, make a manual correction using thenumber range maintenance. Alternatively, you can use the RK_ORDERTYPE_TRANSPORT report, whichexports the order types to be transported, from the source system topresentation server files, and then imports them to the target systemtables. The report ensures that this way transported order types are nolonger assigned the number range after the import. Following thetransport, you need to make a manual assignment to the required numberrange in the order type maintenance, before you create orders for thetransported order type. Data export to the presentation server> 1. Create a local directory on the hard disk of your local computer.The default is 'C:\TEMP\. In this directory, the database tables forthe order types are saved as local files during export. 2. In the source system, execute report RK_ORDERTYPE_TRANSPORT using Transaction SE38. 3. Execute step 'Export: Source system to file', thus the download of the order type tables to the local computer. Using backslash, close thepathnames to be entered. Note:> If error PC036 occurs, the localdirectory is not accessible. Check the directory path and your writeauthorization. 4. When the export is complete, you receive a list of created files. 5. Exit the transaction. Data import into the target system> 1. Log onto the transport target system. 2. Run report RK_ORDERTYPE_TRANSPORT using Transaction SE38. Note:> Do not use the order types maintenance transaction at thesame time. 3.Enter the local directory, where the exported data is located, on the selection screen. 4. Choose option 'Import: File into target system'. When you execute this transaction, the existing order types data on the presentation server are compared with those of the target client and a list ofvariances is created. ZU>Note:> If error E036(PC) occurs, the local directory is notaccessible. Check the directory path and your write authorization. Youreceive a list of the varying order types in the source and targetsystem and of the affected tables. 5. Select only the order types which you want to transfer from thepresentation server to the target system. 6. The reconciliation of the order types takes place between thepresentation server files and the target client tables. New entries arecreated in the target clients; changes are transferred from the serverinto the target clients, where existing data is overwritten. If dataexist in the target client but not on the server, this data isirrevocably deleted in the target client during the reconciliation! 7. For the reconciliation of the selected order types choose "Compareall selected order types". The selected order types are then ultimatelytransferred to the target system. Note:> If error I398(00) occurs, "Table Txyz data could not betransferred to the target client. Start program again", the file valueson the presentation server could not be transferred to the targetsystem as a runtime error occurred during the changing of databasetable Txyz. In such a case, restart program RK_ORDERTYPE_TRANSPORT foran import attempt. 8. If reconciliation was successful,you receive a list of all ordertypes whose parts have been either created, changed or deleted in thetarget system. This list records for which order types the number rangeassignment has been deleted during reconciliation. This is the case assoon as an entry of table T003O has been transported for the ordertype. 9. Imported data is not checked while the report is running.ZU>Caution:> Check every transported order type in the order types maintenance transaction for consistency between the imported data andthe import system data. If necessary, correct the imported data. 10. Maintain the imported order types number range assignment. |