SAP Program RKTKV30A - Conversion for New CO Version Concept

XPRA RKTKV30A results in table conversions for the Product CostAccounting application for the function "Variance calculation fororders and cost object hierarchies'.
In rare cases, errors may occur when XPRA is executed. This can havethe following causes:
The Customizing tables to be converted are inconsistent.
Although table conversion was successful, conversion of transactiondata is necessary in order to maintain the consistency between thetransaction data and the Customizing tables. This conversion shouldonly be carried out in collaboration with SAP.
Despite the errors, the system upgrade can be continued and productionstartup implemented. However, until the errors have been corrected, itis not possible to use the functions "Variance calculation for orders"and "Variance calculation for cost object hierarchies" in product costaccounting.
If version 000 is affected, then it is also not possible to settlevariances for orders and cost object hierarchies.
You can ignore the error if you do not use the above functions.However, if you want to use these functions in the future, the errorwill have to be corrected at that time.
If there is an error when executing this XPRA, run this report(RKTKV30A) again. Then run the report RKTKVIN1 and send the printoutsof both reports together with an error message to SAP.