SAP Program RKE_XPRA40_TKB9E - CO-PA: XPRA 3.x -> 4.0, Convert PA Transfer Structures TKB9E -> TKB9G

When you execute program RKE_XPRA40_TKB9E, this leads to changes intables TKB9E and TKB9G!
Do not execute this program unless it could not be executedsuccessfully during the upgrade!!

In order to extend the PA transfer structures to allow the source type"Calculation motive", it was necessary to create a new table TKB9G. Thedata previously stored in table TKB9E is transported to this table bymeans of this XPRA program. During the conversion, the cost elementsets are changed to conform with the new set concept. The variancecategories are no longer stored as a set. Instead, they are stored inthe field ABKAT.

Messages stating whether or not the tables were successfully converted.