Functionality a) Selection Screen When you have started the program, the selection screen appears. Here, you have to enter a valid operating concern (check made against TKEB) and a valid key figure scheme (check made against T239). Programm RKE_KSFVIEWER can be executed in 'overview list' mode or in 'inconsistencies' mode. b) 'Overview List' The overview list is generated from the three tables T237A, T237 and T237T, and has the following structure: Abbreviation and text for key figure scheme (1st level) | |---Element (2nd level) | | | |---Formula (3rd level) | |---Formula (3rd level) | |---Element (2nd level) | |---Formula (3rd level) |---Formula (3rd level) The traffic lights before the individual elements indicate whether or not the formula for the element in question contains errors. A green traffic light indicates that the formula contains no errors. Amber traffic lights are accompanied by a warning, while red lights indicate an error. The traffic light before the key figure scheme is green if there are neither warnings nor errors. If there is at least one warning, the traffic light will be amber. If there is at least one error, it will be red. If you double-click on a line with a traffic light (with the exception of the first level) a window will open. If the formula does not containerrors, the text THE FORMULA CONTAINS NO ERRORS will appear in the window. Otherwise, a warning or error message will appear. By double clicking on a line in the third level, you can navigate. If this line contains an element of the key figure scheme, you jump to the definition for this element. If, by contrast, it contains avalue field, you jump to database table CE1XXXX. Warnings: THE FORMULA ONLY CONTAINS '=' AND ';'. Typically, a formula can only contain '=' and ';'. You should, however, check whether the formula has actually been defined. FOUR-CHARACTER CONSTANT XXXX The formula contains a four-character constant, such as 1100. You should check whether a formula element should appear instead of the constant, or whether the 'Z' has been omitted. Error: THE FORMULA IS BLANK/NOT DEFINED. THE FORMULA MUST BEGIN WITH '='. ...EXPECTED. SO FAR PROCESSED CORRECTLY: ... FUNCTION $XXXXXXXX NOT FOUND. Function $XXXXXXXX is not defined in include SAPMKEBF. FORMULA ELEMENT ZXXXX NOT DEFINED. ZXXXX is not defined. Note that Z5 is not identical to Z0005. FORMULA ELEMENTS CANNOT BE DEFINED RECURSIVELY. An element in a key figure scheme cannot refer to itself. For this reason, the following definition for element 1000 is wrong: =Z9001+Z1000; A CIRCULAR CONCLUSION HAS BEEN MADE. A circular conclusion comes about when several elements of a key figure all refer to each another. Example: 1100 =Z1200+Z1300; 1200 =Z1100; THE FORMULA CONTAINS TOO MANY ')'. A formula must not contain more ')' than '('. THE FORMULA CONTAINS TOO FEW ')'. A formula must not contain fewer ')' than '('. THE FORMULA DOES NOT END WITH ';'. The end of a formula must be marked with a semi-colon. NO SYMBOLS PERMITTED AFTER ';'. The semi-colon indicates the end of the formula. No symbols can follow the semi-colon. c) 'Inconsistencies' (consistency check in the key figure scheme) The system checks whether the key figure scheme and the value fieldsare consistent in database tables T237, T237A and T237T. The result of this test is displayed on the screen. For example, there might be an entry for element 1000 in tables T237A and T237T, but not in table T237. Element 2000 might be defined in tables T237 and T237T, but not in table T237A. The system would then display the following information: Line T237 T237A T237T 1000 - X X 2000 X - X Note: The key figure scheme and the value fields are also checked for consistency. If inconsistencies are found, they are automatically listed following the overview list display.