SAP Program RKETREXT - Export Data from Summarization Level to File

With this program you can copy the data in a summarization level for anoperating concern to a file on your application server. The data iswritten using the structure CE0xxxx (xxxx = operating concern). You canlimit the data selection using the characteristics Plan/actualindicator, Version, Record type and Period/year to reduce the datavolume.
Once you have exported the data, you can import it to another operatingconcern or system using the external data transfer functions.

Your file system must have enough space available so that all the datacan be written to the file.
You can only use one of the above characteristics as a selectioncriterion if that characteristic is defined with "*" in thesummarization level. If you try to use a characteristic not defined with"*" in the summarization level, the system cannot determine which datato export.

Note that the system inserts the figures in the file in packed numberformat. If you want to process the figures further in an externalprogram, you may need to convert them to ASCII format first.
Also observe that you cannot transfer plan and actual datasimultaneously using the external data transfer. You therefore need totransfer plan and actual data to two different files.