SAP Program RKCORRH1 - Standard Hierarchy Adjustment - Master Data

This program makes the following checks on the master data (costcenters, business processes, or profit centers) in the standardhierarchy.
Ambiguity in the standard hierarchy: Each single value may occur onlyonce in the hierarchy. Value ranges are not allowed. Any multiplevalues are deleted except for one value. This stays in the node definedin the master record. Values ranges are removed without further checks.
Completeness of standard hierarchy: All master records in thecontrolling area must be contained in the standard hierarchy.Additional values which do not have a master record are removed.
Ambiguity in the master data/standard hierarchy node assignments: Eachsingle value in the hierarchy must be located in the node stored in themaster data. Variances are corrected.
The discrepancies are removed according to the following rules.
DELETE: All entries marked with DELETE are removed. Theseentries can be either single values or value ranges.
INSERT: All entries marked with INSERT are inserted into thehierarchy. These entries can be single values or the hierarchy nodeitself.
GENERATE: Nodes entered in the master data but not yet availablein the SAP System are generated anew.
Dummy nodes: End nodes no longer in the standard hierarchy orwhich have been regenerated must be included in the standard hierarchy.To do this, a dummy node is generated and attached under the top node.All attached nodes appear under this dummy node. The dummy node has thefollowing name: SAP-&&&&-$; &&&& stands for controlling area and $ forthe standard hierarchy category (C=cost centers, P=profit centers,B=business processes).

The sub-hierarchies are not reconstructed. Only "missing" end nodes arereinserted in a hierarchy even if a superior node exists. For example,if an entire sub-hierarchy consisting of 5 levels with 100 nodes is nolonger included in the standard hierarchy, the comparison would attachthe 100 end nodes under the dummy node. If, however, a "vanished"sub-hierarchy can be displayed with the group maintenance functions,the better solution would be to include the sub-hierarchy in anotherfashion in the standard hierarchy again.
Therefore, always use the function Test standard hierarchy-masterdata first. Check whether you wish to undertake the correction asdescribed. Only then should you execute the Compare standardhierarchy-master data function.

111752Batch input, BAPI: Create cost centers / performance