SAP Program RJWAKTVG - Compare Sales Promotions

Comparison of sales promotions in IS-M/SD
Comparison of 2 promotions in periods of your choice. The planned andactual quantities for both promotions are classified according to thenumber of trial copies, standard copies and free copies.
The number of trial copies is derived from the total number of trialcopies distributed in the specified period. Similarly, the number ofstandard copies is derived from the total of all standard items in thespecified period. The number of free copies is derived from the totalnumber of free copies distributed in the specified period.

Sales promotions must be maintained.

The comparison values for both promotions are displayed as absolutefigures and as a percentage.
Prom. 1 Prom. 2 Comparison abs. / %
Planned trial copies ! ... ... ... / ...
" stand.copies ! ... ... ... / ...
" free copies ! ... ... ... / ...
Actual trial copies ! ... ... ... / ...
" stand.copies ! ... ... ... / ...
" free copies ! ... ... ... / ...

Possible scenario:
How did the sales promotion "Promo 1999" in the first quarter of 1999go in comparison to "Promo 1998" in the previous year?
Entries on the selection screen:
Prom. 1: "00001999" From: "01.01.1999" To: "31.03.1999"
Prom. 2: "00001998" From: "01.01.1998" To: "31.03.1998"