SAP Program RJVZEBU1 - IS-M: Transfer Postal ZEBU File

This report imports the postal ZEBU file into the system for thespecified country (for the first time). This takes approximately 10minutes and should be scheduled in batch processing.
If there is already ZEBU data in the system, a warning is displayed toinform you of this fact. If you ignore this warning, the old data willbe deleted and replaced with the new data.
The following logical file names are provided for the ZEBU file:
The link between the logical file name and the physical file is set upby transaction SF01 (see entry ISP_ZEBUDAT in table FILENAME).
The report log indicates which postal code area was imported, thenumber of records imported and any records that may contain errors.
A record contains an error if a postal code 1 was already subordinatedto a postal code 2 (on a higher level) and an attempt is made to assignpostal code 1 to an other postal code, 3, in a further ZEBU record.
Since it is not possible to determine whether the first instance iscorrect, the record is imported into the system.
If this assumption was incorrect and the record contained errors, thelist of records possibly containing errors may contain correct records.
The incorrect record should then be deleted manually in ZEBUmaintenance and replaced with the correct record (listed in the log aspossibly containing errors).
If the record was (marked as possibly containing errors) was indeederrored, it would have to be corrected manually in ZEBU maintenance.