Description XPRA for IS-M/SD release 3.02: This XPRA is used to convert new fields in the publication (JDTDRER)for order account assignment and shipping for backdated subscriptions. The report only converts title publications - the fields are notrelevant for ad pre-prints. Cause: Issue account assignment: New fields: Publication: JDTDRER-XSOFORTVS/XMITLFGVS/XOHNERWVS (radio buttons) Backdated shipping: Fields that already existed in release 3.01 are only converted if thishas not yet taken place: Publication: JDTDRER-XVAKONT/XPVAKONT/XOHNEKONT (radio buttons) Issue: JDTVAUSGB-RK_AUFNR/RK_POSNR/CO_AUFNR (These fields have already been in the edition since release 2.21. Conversion logic for JDTDRER (only for titles): - Conversion logic for issue account assignment: If the radio buttons are initial, conversion takes place. (The fields for issue account assignment have existed since release 3.01.) Conversion logic: If at least one edition has an account number (RK or CO), JDTDRER-XPVAKONT is set, otherwise JDTDRER-XOHNEKONT is set. - Conversion logic for backdated shipping: JDTDRER-XOHNERWVS is always set. |