Description Report RJVXPRA1 is used to convert the delivery database JVTLFNG. Theconversion is required due to the new (internal) key field for thedelivery, the delivery type. XPRA for converting delivery Cause: Delivery type added as a new field. Conversion logic: - All deliveries that are not subsequent deliveries are assigned the delivery type 'Normal delivery' - All subsequent deliveries are assigned the delivery type 'Subsequent delivery' - Correction deliveries do not exist yet in the system Delivery contains 266 chars, DB operation cannot be larger than 5 MB ==> Portioning required; A COMMIT is performed every 18000 deliveries. Restart: If the program terminates abnormally, it can be restarted at any time (updated deliveries are then updated again). The program can therefore be started several times. You must only ensure that all deliveries have been converted before working with the system. |