SAP Program RJVVERS3 - IS-M/SD: Shipping Preparation for Ad Pre-Print Distribution


Program RJVVERS2 carries out shipping preparation for ad pre-printdistribution.
Ad pre-print distribution takes place based on the IS-M/SD ad pre-printorder.

Which data is updated?
Program RJVVERS2 performs shipping preparation for ad pre-printdistribution, i.e. it generates deliveries for ad pre-printdistribution on a distribution date (JVTLFNG). The distribution datefrom the ad pre-print order item is copied as the shipping date for thedelivery.
Shipping preparation for ad pre-print distribution can only be carriedout for ad pre-prints in plants for which ad pre-print distribution hasnot yet been performed on the distribution date.
If this is the case, even partially, the selected ad pre-prints in theplants for which ad pre-print distribution already took place arelisted in the log. Ad pre-print distribution is performed for theselected ad pre-prints (for each plant) for which this is not the case.
Delivery-order assignments for ad pre-print distribution are notupdated.

Selection options
Shipping preparation for ad pre-print distribution selects ad pre-printorders for distribution for a particular distribution date. Theselection can be restricted to certain plants and ad pre-printpublications.
You can either enter a distribution date or have the system determineit. If the parameter 'Soonest possible distribution date' is selected,the system determines the soonest possible distribution date thatcorresponds to your selection criteria. If the system is unable todetermine a unique distribution date, shipping preparation does nottake place. There is therefore no point in choosing automaticdetermination unless you specify selection criteria that permitselection of a unique distribution date. (It is always possible todetermine a unique distribution date if the function 'Set shippingdate' was last used for the selection criteria for the samedistribution (shipping) date or if it was also carried out withautomatic determination of the soonest possible distribution date.)
It is possible to delete ad pre-print distribution after it has beencarried out. The deletion run deletes all deliveries that match theselection criteria on condition that bundling has not taken place forthese deliveries. Deletion is only performed provided that none of theselected deliveries has been packed.
You can select a further parameter to perform a test run (withoutdatabase updates).


Meaning of the order deadline:
Shipping preparation can only take place if the closing date (for adpre-print distribution) has been reached. If shipping preparation isrestarted for a shipping date for which it has already been carriedout, the system only selects ad pre-print orders for which ad pre-printdistribution has not yet taken place.

General IS-M control parameters in Customizing:
Shipping preparation is active is ad pre-print distribution takes placeon the basis of the M/SD ad pre-print order.
Shipping preparation is not active in the system if distribution isprocessed using distribution orders in M/AM.
If distribution is processed in M/AM, deliveries for distribution aregenerated using a separate function.

Which data must be maintained?
There must be ad pre-print orders for distribution that correspond tothe selection criteria.
The function 'Set shipping date' should have been carried out on thedistribution date for all selected ad pre-print orders fordistribution.

Which types of processing cannot be run parallel to shippingpreparation for ad pre-print distribution?
When carrying out distribution:
- Editing of selected ad pre-print distribution orders
- Release run for a change number
When deleting distribution:
- Delivery processing, netchange, regenerative planning


Output structure

List of selected ad pre-prints for which ad pre-print distribution hadalready been performed:
The report lists the ad pre-prints (for each plant) for which adpre-print distribution had already been performed on the distributiondate.

Error log if the function 'Set shipping date' has not yet been carriedout:
The report lists the shipping dates (more precisely, shipping date,logistical delivery type and plants) for which the function 'Setshipping date' has not yet been carried out.

List if shipping preparation was performed:
The report lists the deliveries created or deleted by shippingpreparation.
If the deletion run selects deliveries for which packing has alreadybeen performed, bundling must be deleted before the deliveries can bedeleted. In this case, the packed deliveries are included in the listfor the deletion run.

Fields output

List if 'Set shipping date' has not been performed:
Fields for function 'Set shipping date':
- Plant
- Logistical delivery type

List of deliveries processed:
- Shipping date for delivery
- Publication date of issue
- Quantity
- Actual mix type:
- Actual publication:
Ad pre-print publication
- Loading/unloading point
- Actual delivery type
= Delivery type for ad pre-print distribution
- Carrier route
- Delivery round
- Geographical unit
- Customer group
- Sales document type grouping
- Subsequent delivery number
- Delivery number:
If the delivery is being created, number assignment will not
have taken place at the time of output.