SAP Program RJVFV000 - IS-M/SD: Basic List for Processing Shipping Problem Messages

Overview of problem messages already recorded in the system. You canaccess maintenance of the complaint or home delivery problem messagefrom the list displayed. You can also create new home delivery problemmessages from the list.
If you leave a field on the selection screen blank, the search for thiscriterion is performed without restrictions. If the field contains anentry, the program searches for the specified value.
You have two options for defining the search sequence: click the 'Sort'pushbutton to obtain a list displaying the position of each field inthe sort sequence. You can change this sort sequence manually, althoughyou must ensure that each digit between 1 and the number of fieldsdisplayed is only used once. However, you can also change the sortsequence by double clicking on the header line of the field that is tocome first.

You need to have the appropriate authorization in order to displayproblem messages. The overview list only displays those messages forwhich you have display authorization.