SAP Program RJVDISP2 - IS-M/SD: Regenerative Planning for Quantity Planning in Past


This program performs reorganization of circulation planning in thepast. Circulation planning in the past is only possible forpublications that are not yet productive, i.e. for publications inlegacy data transfer or during parallel processing of the legacy systemand IS-M/SD. (If planning triggers are selected for publications thatare already productive, the program terminates.)

Which data is updated?
The program determines the daily quantities of an issue with which thecustomers are supplied by the publisher on the basis of the orders onhand. These daily quantities for each issue are recorded in thedeliveries (JVTLFNG) in together with other additional information.
In addition, the program updates information on which orders aresupplied by which deliveries (JVTLFZUO).
Status of planning trigger (JVTDSPTR) is set (see 'Selection options').
If there are netchange records for orders for which planning isperformed using regenerative planning, these records are deleted.

Selection options
Regenerative planning of circulation planning is controlled by planningtriggers. You can create planning triggers for the past during theimplementation phase of IS-M/SD using transaction JVA7. Planningtriggers relevant for planning in the past must have the followingcharacteristics:
- The publication must not yet be productive
- The period for the planning trigger must be in the past
- The lock date must be past
- The planning status is not 'Planning completed'.
You can also restrict the relevant planning triggers to certain plants,editions and trigger periods on the selection screen.
Planning is performed for the selected planning triggers in order.
After planning has been performed successfully, the status of theplanning trigger is set to 'Planning successful' or 'Deletionsuccessful'
Further parameters allow you to select a test run (without databaseupdates) and a compact list (only containing the triggers withoutdeliveries).


Which data must be maintained?
There must be planning triggers that correspond to the selectioncriteria.

Which types of processing cannot take place parallel to reorganization?
- Editing the generation trigger
- Automatic generation of issues
- Issue numbering
- Editing the planning trigger
- Netchange for circulation planning
- Editing deliveries
- Editing orders
- Shipping preparation
- LIS update for deliveries


How is the output structured?

Structure of compact list (only triggers, no deliveries):
The triggers are grouped and listed in order as follows:
- Those for which planning was possible (with problem notes)
- Those that could not start planning
- Those for which planning was not possible (with error notes)

Structure of comprehensive list (triggers with deliveries):
Title page:
The first page contains an overview of all selected triggers relevantto planning (trigger-specific problem notes or error notes are notincluded on the title page).
Log of reorganization for each trigger:
The report begins a new page for each trigger, indicating the planningtrigger again, this time with the trigger-specific problem and errornotes.
The following information is then listed for each trigger for whichplanning took place successfully:
- Deliveries deleted for trigger
- Netchange records deleted for trigger
- New deliveries for trigger
Overview of selected planning triggers for which planning could not bestarted.
(Cause: Trigger extends into past, lock date not yet past, triggerstatus 'Planning OK' or 'Deletion OK')
Last page:
Overview of the selected planning triggers for which planning could notbe performed successfully (including error notes)

Which fields are output?

List for planning trigger:
Fields for planning trigger:
- Plant
- Publication
- Edition
- Delivery type
- Planning trigger from
- Planning trigger to
- Lock date
- Planning trigger status
Error notes for the planning trigger:
(If checkboxes are selected, planning is still performed for the
- No delivery viability sets for the planning trigger
- No order items for planning exist for the planning trigger
- No issues for planning exist for the planning trigger
Error notes for the planning trigger
(If one of these checkboxes is selected, planning is not performed
for the trigger)
- Planning trigger / deliveries for trigger locked
(If orders are being edited, this is also listed in the log as
a planning trigger lock)
- Issue generation is not complete for the period

List for delivery:
Fields for delivery:
- Publication date of issue
- Shipping date for delivery
- Quantity
- Order-related delivery viability set:
= Delivery viability set from order
- Actual mix type:
Generally, the mix type for the order item.
Exception: With the combination types 'Substitution' or
'Combination', this is the mix type from the combination
- Actual publication:
Generally, the publication from the order item.
Exception: With the combination type 'Combination', this
is the combination publication.
- Actual edition
Generally, the edition from the order item.
Exception: If the combination type is 'Substitution' or
'Combination', this is the combination edition.
- Loading/unloading point
- Actual delivery type
Generally, the delivery type from the order item.
Exceptions: If 'pickup' is agreed in the order, this is
the delivery type from the order-related delivery viability
set. If an alternative delivery type is defined for combination,
this is taken as the actual delivery type.
- Logistical delivery type
= Logistical delivery type assigned to the actual delivery type
(A delivery type can also be a logistical delivery type itself).
The delivery contains furtherdelivery types
in addition to the actual and logistical delivery types.
- Combination type:
Indicates whether the issue is purchased directly from the
order item or using the combination types 'Substitution' or
- Customer group
- Sales document type grouping
- Type of liability account
- Shipping outsorting type
Shipping outsorting only takes place for the sales document type
grouping "ABO"
- Delivery type
- Subsequent delivery number
- Delivery number:
If the delivery was created, only the internal delivery number
is displayed in the list.
Internal program fields:
- Internal delivery number

List of netchange records:
- Order number
- Publication
- Edition
- Plant
- Delivery type