Description Program RJVCLFRH generates deliveries for ad insert total marketcoverage (TMC). Which data is updated?
The delivery quantities are determined on the basis of the plannedcirculation for ad pre-prints in the carrier routes (TMC quantity =planned circulation for ad pre-prints minus delivered quantity ofcarrier). The delivery quantities can be modified to meet your specificrequirements using enhancement JVVSIRH0. The program updates delivery-ad insert order assignments for ad insertTMC (JVTSIRHZUO). The function 'Generate deliveries for ad insert TMC' can only beexecuted for ad insert schedule lines for which TMC was not yetperformed on the home delivery date. If TMC was already carried out for selected ad insert schedule lines,these schedule lines are listed in the log. TMC is performed for theselected schedule lines for which this is not the case. A worklist (JVTSIRHMNG) is generated implicitly for the quantitycomparison of M/SD and M/AM quantities. This worklist (comparison ofM/SD delivery quantities and M/AM order quantities) forms the basis forthe quantity comparison of SD and AM TMC quantities. The program also selects the indicator 'Shipping started' in the adinsert order or cancels it in a deletion run. (The indicator is onlycancelled in the deletion run for each ad insert schedule line ifinsert shipping was not already carried out for the schedule line.) Selection options Meaning of order deadline: Precondition General IS-M control parameters in Customizing: Which data must be maintained? Which forms of processing cannot be carried out parallel to thisfunction? When deleting TMC: Output Output structure Output of selected ad inserts for which TMC was already performed: Output of booking unit elements for ad insert schedule lines for whichTMC was not possible (with error note). Output of selected deliveries: Output of order-delivery assignments: Fields output List of ad insert schedule lines for which TMC was already performed List of booking unit elements for ad insert schedule lines for whichdelivery was not possible (with error note) - AI (ad insert schedule line without ad insert) - D-TM (no delivery viability set for TMC found for individual JJTBEPART record) - D-Ca (no delivery viability set for insertion found for insertion for individual JJTBEPART record) - BU-I (no viable JJTBEPART record found for insertion for the entire basic booking unit; TMC is not possible without insertion) - CGrp (TMC not customer group-specific) - DTy. (delivery type is not a delivery type for home delivery) - GUn. (TMC not possible for geographical unit) - PCir (planned circulation for ad pre-prints not maintained) - QDet (internal error in quantity determination) - C-Ed (error for carrying edition (edition in which inserts are made): - carrying edition is not published on delivery date or - carrying edition is not delivered on the delivery date with mix types for which ad pre-print combination is defined) - Qty0 (no valid value for TMC quantity) List of deliveries edited: = mix type from order item (note: AI number is not same as issue number) = delivery type for ad pre-print TMC If you are creating a new delivery, number assignment will not have taken place at the time the list is output. List of order-delivery assignment |