SAP Program RJVALG20 - Key Date Comparison for Drop-Offs

This report performs a key date comparison of the results of bundlingand circulation planning. Since it evaluates data relating to unloadingpoints, the evaluation can only be carried out for times for whichbundling is already completed.
The following selection criteria are available:

  • Publication date 1 and 2 or shipping date 1 and 2

  • Division

  • Publication

  • Edition

  • Edition report grouping 1

  • Edition report grouping 2

  • Truck route

  • Plant

  • Mix type

  • Delivery type

  • Carrier route

  • Unloading point

  • Output can be controlled by means of the following criteria:
    • Checkbox: Totals at plant level

    • Checkbox: Totals at mix type level

    • Checkbox: Totals at truck route level

    • Checkbox: Totals at delivery type level

    • Checkbox: Totals at carrier route level

    • Checkbox: Totals at unloading point level

    • If you select a checkbox, the report displays this column and forms atotal for it.

      Selection can either take place by publication date or by shipping date(you must always specify two times).
      Instead of selecting by publication and/or edition, you can also selectby specifying one edition report grouping.
      You need only specify a carrier route for delivery types for homedelivery.

      The report displays a list that is summarized according to theselection criteria. The differences are displayed as absolute figuresand as percentages. The differences are calculated from time 2 to time1. If it is not possible to specify the difference as a percentagebecause the quantity is 0 for time 1 (division by 0), the entrydisplayed is '*'.
      Output is sorted according to the following criteria:

      • Unloading point

      • Carrier route

      • Delivery type

      • Mix type

      • Truck route

      • Publication/edition

      • Plant

      • The number of columns is determined by the checkboxes. Columns for thepublication/edition, number of copies at both times and the differencefor the times are always displayed.
        A subtotal is only displayed for the column 'Carrier route' if morethan one entry of the same type exist.