Description Reorganization of the phonetic search field used to find cities, citydistricts and streets. This reorganization only updates the records that change. Precondition If replacements for phonetic searches>change (table TJS30) or the function moduleISP_SUCHFELD_PHONETISCHE_SUCHE is modified, you must use this report toreorganize the phonetic search fields. There must not be any blocks set for the tables to be converted. Thisis principally the case when maintenance of postal units is active. The following tables must not be locked:
- City table (JSTORTPRO)
- Street table (JSTSTRPRO)
Output The number of records updated per table is listed. Notes This report can occasionally terminate due to the immense size of thestreet table. In this case, the memory space available on the databasefor a table index on the street table (index on the phonetic searchfield) is probably exceeded. In this case, you can proceed as follows:
- Reserve more space on the database for this index or
- Delete the index before executing the report on the database and create
it again afterwards. Caution:> You may experience runtime problems, particularly whenrecording addresses, while this index is not on the database.