SAP Program RJSFREI2 - IS-M/SD: Collector for Checks/Release

This report selects all change numbers for which the indicatorXFREIGABE is selected in the table JSTAENDER. The selected changenumbers are checked and then released. This is done by starting reportsRJSPRUEF and RJSFREI1.

Selection options:
Depending on whether or not you select the indicators forshipping-related or carrier route-related release, the report onlyselects the change numbers for which the relevant indicators areselected in table JSTAENDER. If you select both of these indicators,the report selects all change numbers for which the indicator XFREIGABEis selected in table JSTAENDER.
If you select a maximum start of validity for the change number,release is only performed for change numbers with a start of validityearlier or the same as your entry.

Run time:
If you make restrictions regarding the latest end date, end time ormaximum run time, reports RJSPRUEF and RJSFREI1 are no longer processedand report RJSFREI2 terminates once the run time end is reached.
Please note that if you restrict the run time, you must either specifythe maximum run time or both the latest end date and latest end timefor processing.