SAP Program RJRPROBL - IS-M/SD: Problem Truck Routes

This report determines truck routes that contain the selected problemsfor specific dates.
The following selections are possible:

  • Weight exceeded

  • Time exceeded (the truck route contains editions with an availability
  • time after the truck route departure time)
    • Truck routes without drop-offs (truck route has no unloading points or
    • has no drop-offs)
      You can also select drop-offs without truck routes so that they canthen be assigned to a truck route.
      It is also possible to use the tolerance weight of the vehicle typeassigned to the truck route.
      You must specify a date and a plant for selection. The other fields areoptional.
      The following actions are possible:
      • Display functions for

      • Truck route
        Double click on the (split) truck route to display the basic data onthe truck route
        Unloading point
        Double click on the unloading point to display the basic data on theunloading point
        Edition (drop-off)
        Double click on the edition to display the basic data on the edition(issue)
        The fields 'Truck route', 'Unloading point' and 'Drop-off' in the listare sensitive for these functions, meaning that an action is triggeredby a double click on the fields.
        The field 'No.PPacks' is also sensitive (see EXPAND).
        • Selection

        • Selection of individual objects by positioning the cursor and clickingthe 'Select' function or by double clicking on the appropriate line ona non-sensitive field.
          • Demarcation

          • Same procedure as for selection except that the line was alreadyselected (highlighted).
            • Deselect all

            • All selections made previously are undone
              • Select block

              • You can select the start of a block and must then select the end of ablock (it is not possible to make individual selections between thesetwo points). When selecting drop-offs, it is unimportant whether thestart of the block is before or after the end of the block. If youselect unloading points, this is taken into account in the sequence, sothat an unloading point that comes before another in the block d
                irection is also selected before it. This means, for example, that itis easy to change the order of the unloading points in a truck route bysimply selecting a block from the last to the first unloading point andmoving it to the truck route.
                • Read truck route

                • Truck routes that do not contain problems can be read.
                  • Split route

                  • Truck routes that have split routes can be split if this has not yettaken place.
                    • Move

                    • You can move drop-offs or unloading points.
                      Drop-offs were selected (logistical DT <> postal shipping)
                      You can only move to one unloading point. The system displays asubscreen on which you can specify the number of bundles to be movedand whether or not the odd bundle is also to be moved in the case of acommon odd bundle (the whole drop-off is always proposed as a default).
                      Drop-offs were selected (logistical DT = postal shipping)
                      You can only move to one unloading point. Here, there is no subscreenand the packs are moved directly to the new unloading point (no checksagainst the shipping schedule).