Description This program performs automatic generation of daily truck routes. Selection options
You can specify other criteria on the selection screen to limit therelevant triggers to certain truck routes. The selected generation triggers are generated one after the other. Once generation has been performed successfully, the status of thegeneration trigger is set to 'Generation complete' or 'Deletioncomplete'. A further parameter allows you to choose a test run (without databaseupdates). Precondition Which data must be maintained? The following procedures cannot be performed in parallel to automaticgeneration: Output Output structure Output fields Generation trigger list Generation triggers can only be maintained for basic truck routes. Ifsplit routes are assigned to selected basic truck routes, these arealso generated during automatic generation by generating temporarytrigger entries for split routes temporarily for the current programrun. These temporary triggers for split routes are marked as such. List for daily truck route Internal program fields: List of triggers for which generation was not possible: |