Title Edit components Purpose You can use this transaction to define the components of media productsand media issues and to specify a lead date for shipping or a packagingcharacteristic for each component. Selection When maintaining components of media products, you can select a mediafamily or product. When maintaining components of media issues, you canselect a media issue or a media product and an interval of media issues.The media products or issues selected are then displayed in a structure. Output When you generate components of media issues from component editing,the system displays a generation log. Activities You can add, delete, and change components in this transaction. Allthe functions can be accessed from the context menu (right mousebutton). You can also select and edit assignments by double clicking onthem. You can move components by drag and drop. You can start regeneration of media issue components from the contextmenu. When you edit components of media issues, the components aregenerated directly from the corresponding definition of the mediaproduct components. When editing media product components, the systemfirst displays a dialog box in which you can restrict the media issuesto a certain period or specify whether or not existing media issuecomponents are to be overwritten. |