SAP Program RJPMPMIGRATION_FINISH - IS-M: Complete Media Product Migration for Publication

This report sets (and deletes) the Customizing indicator 'MigrationCompleted' during the migration of M/SD products to media products.

Before the indicator denoting that migration is completed is set inCustomizing, the following checks are run for the selected publication:

  • Is the data on the manually migrated media products consistent?

  • Have media issues been created for all issues after the migration date?

  • If production units exist for editions, have all production units been
  • updated?
    • If issue-oriented revenue distribution without liability accounts is
    • active for the publication, was table JFREVVA fully converted from themigration date?
      If all checks are successful, this program is used to complete mediaproduct migration for the selected publication.
      When the indicator is deleted, no checks are run beforehand.
      (Caution: You should never delete the indicator in normal operationssince the system processes the publication differently when migrationis active than when migration is completed, which can lead toinconsistencies.)


      • The selection criterion is the publication to be migrated.

      • You can execute the report as a test run.
      • Output
        The layout of the log corresponds to standard application log display.